To dream of a phone number which you cannot recall on awakening, predicts a period of confusion and surprises regarding the actions of others.
If you remember the numbers in your dream when you wake up, this forecasts good luck ahead, possibly connected with the people or the numbers in your dream.
If you are a girl and you dream about a guy giving you his telephone number, your dream foretells popularity with the opposite sex. But if you give the guy your phone number in your dream, you may have a rocky road to romance ahead in real life.
[1]Dreams of a telephone number symbolize the importance of making contact or getting your message through to a particular person.
If you are unable to dial the numbers or unable to establish a connection, this symbolizes a challenge/breakdown in communication with this person. Consider the numbers you dial and whether or not you are able to get through.
If you do make contact, then this can signify your ability to telepathically communicate with this person.